Sis Lin
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LIRIK LAGU USED TO BE YOUNG - MILEY CYRUS | JUST for fun dengar lagu ni, suka rentak muzik dia. Kalau dengar dalam kereta, boleh tepuk tangan di paha. Relax dan enjoy jer muzik dia. Tak membosankan. Jangan amik serius sangat bab muzik ni, kalau rasa nak dengar muzik, ye dengar, jika rasa tak boleh, perbanyakkan berzikir.. hidup ada pilihan memasing dan perlukan hiburan, cuma jangan melampaui iman dan takwa.. 

Directors: Jacob Bixenman and Brendan Walter
Producer: Daniel Lachman
Exec. Producers: Jennifer Heath, Bryan Younce
DP: Marcell Rev

Lirik Lagu Used To Be Young - Miley Cyrus

Lirik Lagu Used To Be Young - Miley Cyrus

The truth is bulletproof
There’s no fooling you
I don't dress the same
Me and who you say
I was yesterday
Have gone our separate ways
Left my living fast
Somewhere in the past
Cause that's for chasing cars
Turns out open bars
Lead to broken hearts
And going way too far
I know I used to be crazy
I know I used to be fun
You say I used to be wild
I say I used to be young
You tell me time has done changed me
That's fine, I’ve had a good run
I know I used to be crazy
That’s cause I used to be young
Take one, pour it out
It’s not worth crying about
The things you can't erase
Like tattoos and regrets
Words I never meant
And ones that got away
Left my living fast
Somewhere in the past
And took another road
Turns out crowded rooms
Empty out as soon
There’s somewhere else to go ohhhhh
I know I used to be crazy
I know I used to be fun
You say I used to be wild
I say I used to be young
You tell me time has done changed me
That's fine, I’ve had a good run
I know I used to be crazy
That’s cause I used to be young 
I know I used to be crazy
Messed up but god was it fun
I know I used to be wild
That’s cause I used to be young
Those wasted nights are not wasted
I remember every one
I know I used to be crazy
That's cause I used to be young
You tell me time has done changed me
That's fine I’ve had a good run
I know I used to be crazy
That’s cause I used to be young

P/S : Ada seorang teman ni, suka cari kesalahan Sis, aku diamkan jerr, sebab malas nak berdebat.. update lagu pun dia kata lagha.. ermmm .. 

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